Saturday, 25 July 2015

May 2015

School Car Free Day 2015
School Car Free Day was launched this month as part of Limericks participation in National Walk to School Week. This event invited schools across the study area to 'ditch the car' and try an alternative means of getting to school. This event was designed to be all inclusive and enable secondary and primary schools across the study area to try and work together to reduce the impact of traffic outside the school gate. The event was a huge success where over 2,300 students from across the study area walked, scooted, cycled or took the bus!! Images from this event are available from our school car free day gallery

Laurel Hill Colaiste,South Circular Road on School Car Free Day 2015
These two Ardscoil Ris (North Circular Road) students cycled >11km on School Car Free Day!!! WOW!

Our Lady of Lourdes (Southside) had NO cars on School Car Free Day 2015!!!!!!!
Caitriona & Aisling (Travel Coordinators) who coordinated School Car Free Day in Gaelcholaiste Luimnigh

Please visit our  school car free day gallery for more stories and images from the day

Well Done Limerick!

Travel Smart Art Competition
Limerick Smarter Travel is accepting entries to our first 'Travel Smart' Art competition which was launched as part of National Walk to School Week. Please visit our website for further details

Travel Smart Competition 2015
Walk Smart Pilot
A new resource, developed specifically for the schools programme is now being piloted in two study area schools. 'Walk Smart' is an activity which invites students to virtually navigate their local area on a tailored map made specifically for their school. To participate, each student receives a passport where the are awarded points for each day they walk, cycle or Park & Stride to school. At the end of the week they the class calculate their totals and then estimate how far they traveled on their virtual 'map'. Further details on this initiative are available from our website.  

'Walk Smart ' Salesian Primary 
Example of a tailored 'walksmart' map where each dot represents a set distance and number of points

Secondary School Action Projects
Secondary school action projects in Ardscoil Ris and Clements went full steam ahead this month. Five groups of 2nd years from Ardscoil Ris took on sustainable travel as their CSPE Action Project for their junior cert. Each group worked diligently to promote different modes ahead of School Car Free Day. One of the cycling groups invited Halfords & Limerick Smarter Travel to teach them about bicycle safety and maintenance. They then arranged to teach 1st year students about bike maintenance as part of their action day event. Another group took on bus transport and created a detailed map of the local area to highlight public transport networks servicing the school. 

Ardscoil Ris 2nd Year students invited Limerick Smarter Travel & Halfords to teach them about bike mainteannce and safety on May 12th. They then used this information to deliver peer to peer training on May 13th with 1st years
2nd year students from Ardscoil Ris training in 1st year groups in basic bike maintenance as part of their CSPE Project
Ardscoil Ris Bus Action  Project 

Clements Secondary School on the South Circular Road had a busy few weeks where they completed two action projects to promote sustainable travel. Their first project, led by Thomas Giltenane focused on infrastructure where the groups identified key routes to school using actual student distributions and then audited them to determine barriers to sustainable travel. This formed part of their Junior Certificate CSPE project and came to fruition in early May. Sinead Crowes group took on School Car Free day as their action project and focused their attention on promoting the event across the school. Clements came up trumps on School Car Free day where even the staff made the extra effort to participate. Well done boys!! looking forward to working with you again next year,

St. Clements 'Carpool Selfie' from  Staff who made the extra effort to carpool on School Car Free Day
School Car Free Day Team in St. Clements Secondary
Scoot Safe Training Galvone NS
The schools programme had a fantastic morning in Galvone NS with 1st/2nd class students delivering the scoot safe training workshop. Since initiative conception over 700 students across the city have received scoot safe training. This school is set to merge with Southill Junior School in September to form 'Le Cheile' where they hope to get more involved in the programme. 

Galvone NS Scoot Safe

Scooting for Adults!!
Calling all adults....Would you like to feel ten again? Why not try adult scooting? Following on from all of our scoot safe workshops with students we have decided to get in on the action and try it out ourselves and what a result! As a mode of transport it couldn't be simpler.... 

Reasons to try 'Adult Scooting'
  • It is light, easy to use
  • It gets you places faster than walking (and in many cases driving)
  • If you need to stop somewhere you don't need to find parking as it is easy to fold up and carry.
  • You may have heard of  'Park & Stride' so how about  'Park & Scoot'....why a little....:) 
  • Scooting makes you feel young again 
  • Adult scooting would give teachers some serious street cred with students :)
  • Guaranteed you will arrive at your destination in great humour:)
                                                                            We absolutely LOVE it!
Why not try adult scooting! #notjustforkids! 

Breaking NEWS !! 
Bike Week is COMING!! 

National Bike Week 2015 We are excited to announce that Limericks 3rd Annual BeSpoke Cycling Festival will take place from June 12th - 21st 2015 as part of National Bike Week 2015. Throughout this week there will be bike expos, bike parades, bike fixing events and much much more!! Please visit our social media for updates on events across the city for this years event. 

Is your bicycle ready?
  • National C.O.W. Day will take place on June 18th 2015. National COW day  invites students from schools across the country to cycle to school if they can. Letters will be forwarded to your school in early June. 
  • Travel Smart Exhibition 2015 - Entries to our Travel Smart competition will be displayed in the granary as part of a travel exhibition to be held from June 13th - 26th. Further details are available here 
  • Miniature Bicycle Competition - The schools programme is linking with Limerick City & County Council (Environment Section) to run its 2nd Miniature Bicycle Competition. This fun competition invites students to create their own miniature bike models out of recycled material to be in with a chance to win a 50euro voucher. Please visit our school travel gallery to see last years entries
  • The schools team is also offering free bicycle maintenance workshops and bike fun days to schools across the study area.  If your school is interested in participating in these events please contact us via 

For further information on the schools programme please visit our website 

Regular updates relating to the project are provided via Twitter : @lksmartertravel or @gstravellimerick

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