School Travel Events

There are a wide range of national and international sustainable travel events organised throughout the year. These are summarized below. Please visit the schools section of our website for further details about these events.

European Mobility Week (September 16th -21st)
European Mobility Week is an annual campaign to promote sustainable travel in the urban environment. This event encourages local authorities to introduce and promote sustainable travel measures and invite citizens to try out alternatives to car use. In Limerick, schools across the study area are invited to participate in workshops completed on city buses as part of our 'Bus in the City' public transport promotion scheme. Please visit our website for further details about this event           

International Walk to School Month (October)
International Walk to School Month (IWALK) is an annual global event of the Active & Safe Routes to School program, which takes place each October. It is a mass celebration of active transportation and its related issues. Visit is external) and the International Walk to School(link is external) Facebook page for more information. Alternatively visit our website for updates about this event across the study area.

Road Safety Week (October)
Irish Road Safety Week is held in October of every year by the Road Safety Authority(link is external). Irish Road Safety Week is an opportunity to take an honest look at our own behavior and ask ourselves what we can do to prevent further tragedy on our roads. During this week, road safety activities take place around the country to promote the need to stay safe on the roads. Visit or visit our website for further information on road safety events for schools.

National Scoot to School Week (March)

National Scoot to School Week is an annual event which takes place in March and aims to raise awareness about scooting as a positive alternative to the car for school journeys. During this week, schools are invited to focus their efforts on scooting and run simple events to promote this fun new way to get around. This event was launched by An Taisces Green-Schools Programme in 2013 and has been increasing in popularity ever since. Please visit our website for further details.

National Walk to School Week/School Car Free (May)
National Walk to School Week is where schools across the country are encouraged organise activities which focus on walking to school or walking in general. This event takes place during the second week in May where the Wednesday of that week is considered 'National Walk to School Day or National WOW day ' . In 2015, the school programme participated in this event by holding a 'School Car Free' day across the study area hubs. Please visit our website for further details about this event

National COW day
National Bike Week/National Cycle to School Week (June)
National Cycle to School Week is held as part of National Bike Week in June of each year where schools across the country are invited to organise cycling activities and events in their school. This week offers schools the opportunity to celebrate cycling to school through whole school action days and school competitions. Please visit our website for further details

For further information please contact 
Limerick Smarter Travel ( Schools Programme)
The Granary, Limerick City
T: 00353 (0) 61 407453

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